Welcome to Dominium !
Yama Ghafoor
The overall activity will be focused on the usage of Fibaro’s domotic box “Home Center 2″ which is based on z-wave technology.
Interested by my domotic experimentation? Get in touch with me through Linkedin or fill in this contact form.
Enjoy reading this blog and feel free to add any comment !
Boa noite caro amigo meu nome is Willian sou do Brasil e fiquei muito intrigado com seus posts, gostaria de trocar vivencia de trabalhoo e tirar algumas duvidas, fico muito feliz em ver pessoas como voce que querem ajudar e tirar muitas duvidas fico no aguardo para conversarmos mais e me desculpa pelo meu pessimo ingles caso tenha facebook ou skype para conversarmos mais
I will be next week in Sao Paulo for a business trip. Let’s try to meet if you are available.
Good night dear friend my name is William’m from Brazil and I was very intrigued by your posts, I would like to exchange experiences of trabalhoo and take some questions, I am very happy to see people like you who want to help and take many doubts in’m waiting to talk more and excuse me for my bad english if you have facebook or skype to talk more
Thank you.
Thanks for your message. Feel free to ask any question and I will try to help if I can !
Hello, thank you again, I would ask a question, the items that you listed they work with Fibaro HC2
Can trigger the camera when a motion sensor in the presence of
thank you
Yes – have a look at this post: here
One more question regarding central air-conditioning and how do I control?
and audio and video that you use to control?
thank you
Regarding air-conditioning control, I have not done any testing yet !
For video control & monitoring, have a look in my posts in the blog, the Foscam FI8910W is compatible with the HC2.
Let me know if you need more information.
Bom Dia,
claro com o maior prazer qual parte de Sao Paulo voce estara?
fico no aguardo moro no litoral de são paulo em Praia Grande
me fale o dia certo para nos encontrarmos, vem ao Brasil para trabalho referente ao Fibaro? vai dar palestras?
Good Day,
course with great pleasure that part of Sao Paulo you’ll be?
I am awaiting live on the coast of sao paulo in Praia Grande
tell me the right day for us to meet, come to Brazil to work for the Fibaro? vai lecture?
thank you
I do NOT work for Fibaro ! I am only a simple user of Fibaro system 😉
I will stay at the hotel Tryp Jesuino Arruda – send me your phone, I will contact you when I will be there next week !
My telephone number is
55 (13) 91470579
55 (13) 78268991
NEXTEL ID 55 * 115 * 51 611
I’m look forward to, thanks
Noted – See you next week !
Hello dear friend,
already know that the day turns to Sao Paulo?
I wonder if you could do me a favor is not clear whether you atraplhar
I wonder if you could bring me a Wall Plug, here in Brazil there is estimated to reach and I am very curious to understand this technology,
if you can give me the value I am very grateful
Thank you.
My flight is tomorrow morning and I will not have enough time to get a wall plug because you need to make an order and it will take a minimum of 2 or 3 days. May be next time !
Hello friend, is already in Brazil?
I am awaiting news
I hope you can help me with a request using my foscam (8910) ip camera. I’d like to trigger a http request upon motion. Is that possible? How?
I have checked the parameters and found http variable so as http URL variable… Can’t get it to work though.
Thanks for your interest in my blog !
Your question is interesting and I have not tried to launch some scene from the camera. I think the best way is to use a separate motion detector and use the change of its status to launch a scene.
Bonjour, je possède une HC2, mais mon anglais est nul, je possède des panneaux photovoltaïque est j’ai installé deux pinces aeon Lab. une production et l’autre consommation, je désirais les infos séparées (valeur, trend, etc ), mais HC2 fait la somme des deux. J’habite en Belgique et pour le PV il n’y a q’un seul compteur d’énergie qui tourne dans un sens pour la consommation et détourné pour la production. Merci si vous pouvez m’aider car les documentations en français sont très rares. Bonne journée.
Jacques Deham
Je n’ai pas encore exploré la gestion de l’energie pour vous aider efficacement. Je vous recommande de poster la question sur le forum Fibaro. Les participants sont tres actifs!
Bonne chance.
Bonjour. Merci mais j’ai déjà postė la question sur le forum Fibaro et je n’ai reçu aucune nouvelle. Je me demande si c’est pas Fibaro qui devrait faire une mise à jour avec la gestion de la production et la consommation séparée. C’est génial d’avoir des gens comme vous pour nous aider a la compréhension de système un peu compliqué. Jacques
Merci pour votre sympathique feedback. Je manque de temps pour alimenter mon blog mais je prepare quelques articles à venir prochainement !